Power Automate: Get Page Author Details
Introduction In Power Automate, retrieving details about the author of a SharePoint page can be essential for various workflows. This blog post will guide you through the steps to get the page author details using Power Automate.
Add Send an Http request to SharePoint action and rename it to Get Page Author Details.Configure the action with the following settings: Site Address: triggerOutputs()?[‘body/SiteUrl’] Method: Get Uri : /_api/web/_api/Web/GetUserById(body(‘Parse_Page_Details_JSON’)?[’d’]?[‘AuthorId’]) Output of the API
Get SharePoint site sharing Settings with PowerShell
Managing sharing settings for SharePoint sites is crucial for maintaining a secure and well-governed environment. With the help of PowerShell, administrators can efficiently retrieve and manage these settings across their SharePoint Online tenant. This ensures that sensitive information is not overshared and that your organisation’s data remains secure.
Importance of Reviewing Sharing Settings Reviewing sharing settings is essential to prevent oversharing, which can lead to data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Empowering Secure Collaboration: Configuring SharePoint Tenant and Site Settings with PowerShell to prevent oversharing
Sharing lies at the heart of collaboration within SharePoint, facilitating seamless communication and teamwork. However, effective management of sharing settings is crucial to maintain data security and prevent unintended exposure. This is particularly important in light of tools like Copilot for M365.
An extract from Announcing SharePoint advanced management innovations for the AI and Copilot era
“With Copilot and AI, security has become a concern. Not because Copilot allows people to access anything more than they could previously; it just allows them to find information they have access to faster.