How to Redirect PowerShell Terminal Output to a File
How to Redirect PowerShell Terminal Output to a File The PowerShell console buffer, while useful, has its limitations. When dealing with thousands of lines of output, you may encounter performance issues or even lose older output due to truncation. However, there’s a straightforward solution to ensure all output is retained for later review: redirect the output to a file.
You can accomplish this by using the redirection operator > operator, followed by the name of the file where you want the output to be stored.
Managing Service Principal Permission Requests using PowerShell
Managing Service Principal Permission Requests using PowerShell Permission to the “SharePoint Online Client” service principal can be granted either in declarative method within SPFx solutions or directly. This post explores how to handle both declarative and direct permission grants using SPO PowerShell , ClI for M365 and PnP PowerShell.
PnP PowerShell Get all service principal permission grants Gets the collection of permission grants for the “SharePoint Online Client” service principal using the cmdlet Get-PnPTenantServicePrincipalPermissionGrants
Troubleshooting NVM Setup Issues for SPFx Development
Troubleshooting NVM Setup Issues for SPFx Development I have not used my dev machine for SPFx development for over a year. Before diving into any new SPFx development, I followed the typical procedure of installing the latest Node.js version 18.19.0 supported by the current SPFx version (1.18.2) using nvm (node version management).nvm allows to maintain different development environment.
nvm install 18.19.0 Following this, I proceeded to install the SPFx toolchain: