Retrieve SPFx Details from Tenant and Site Collection App Catalogs Using PowerShell
Have you ever needed to gather detailed information about SPFx solutions installed in your SharePoint environment, such as API permissions, for auditing, inventory, or compliance purposes? The PowerShell script below helps you retrieve these details from both the tenant-level and site collection app catalogs for auditing with the aim to improve security posture by removing unneeded apps and access rights.
To execute this script, you must have Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator roles.
Classic View Interface
Modern View Interface
Both interfaces don’t display all details e.g. API Permissions making difficult to know after installations which permissions were granted to each SPFx app.
The Get-PnPApp
returns limited properties
The alternative is to use the REST API endpoint /_api/web/lists/getbytitle(''Apps%20for%20SharePoint'')/items?$select=Title
to retrieve specific properties of the apps within the app catalog which is a list under the hood.
PowerShell script
$AdminCenterURL= Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin tenant collection URL";
$tenantAppCatalogUrl = Get-PnPTenantAppCatalogUrl
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy")
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path
$fileName = "\InventorySPFx-" + $dateTime + ".csv"
$OutPutView = $directorypath + $fileName
cd $PSScriptRoot
<#WARNING: Connecting with -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue uses the PnP Management Shell multi-tenant App Id for authentication. It is strongly recommended to register your own EntraID App for authentication. See the documentation for Register-PnPEntraIDApp.#>
Connect-PnPOnline $tenantAppCatalogUrl -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$appCatConnection = Get-PnPConnection
<#WARNING: Connecting with -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue uses the PnP Management Shell multi-tenant App Id for authentication. It is strongly recommended to register your own EntraID App for authentication. See the documentation for Register-PnPEntraIDApp.#>
Connect-PnPOnline $AdminCenterURL -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$adminConnection = Get-PnPConnection
$appsDetails = @()
$RestMethodUrl = '/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(''Apps%20for%20SharePoint'')/items?$select=Title,LinkFilename,SkipFeatureDeployment,ContainsTeamsManifest,ContainsVivaManifest,SupportsTeamsTabs,WebApiPermissionScopesNote,ContainsTenantWideExtension,IsolatedDomain,PackageDefaultSkipFeatureDeployment,IsClientSideSolutionCurrentVersionDeployed,ExternalContentDomains,IsClientSideSolutionDeployed,IsClientSideSolution,AppPackageErrorMessage,IsValidAppPackage,SharePointAppCategory,AppDescription,AppShortDescription'
$apps = (Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url $RestMethodUrl -Method Get -Connection $appCatConnection).Value
#export details of apps
$apps| foreach-object{
$app = $_
$app | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Site Url" -value $tenantAppCatalogUrl
$appsDetails += $app
Get-PnPSiteCollectionAppCatalog -ExcludeDeletedSites | ForEach-Object {
write-host "Processing Site:" $_.AbsoluteUrl -f Yellow
$Site = Get-PnPTenantSite $_.AbsoluteUrl -Connection $adminConnection
<#WARNING: Connecting with -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue uses the PnP Management Shell multi-tenant App Id for authentication. It is strongly recommended to register your own EntraID App for authentication. See the documentation for Register-PnPEntraIDApp.#>
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $Site.url -Interactive -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
$siteConnection = Get-PnPConnection
$apps = (Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Url $RestMethodUrl -Method Get -Connection $siteConnection).Value
$apps| foreach-object{
$app = $_
$app | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -name "Site Url" -value $Site.url
$appsDetails += $app
write-host -f Red $_.Exception.Message
#Export the result Array to CSV file
$appsDetails | Export-CSV $OutPutView -Force -NoTypeInformation
This script automates the process of collecting and exporting SPFx solution details, which is essential for maintaining an up-to-date inventory and ensuring compliance across your SharePoint environment.
Title: The name of the SPFx solution or app.
LinkFilename: The filename of the app package (.sppkg file).
SkipFeatureDeployment: Indicates whether the app skips feature deployment, meaning it doesn’t require activation on individual sites.
ContainsTeamsManifest: Indicates whether the app contains a Microsoft Teams manifest, making it available in Teams.
ContainsVivaManifest: Indicates whether the app contains a Microsoft Viva manifest, allowing integration with Viva.
SupportsTeamsTabs: Shows if the app supports being used as a Teams tab.
WebApiPermissionScopesNote: Lists any API permissions granted to the app, often important for security and compliance reviews.
ContainsTenantWideExtension: Indicates if the app contains a tenant-wide extension, which can affect all sites across the tenant.
IsolatedDomain: Shows whether the app runs in an isolated domain for enhanced security, often used in sandboxed solutions.
PackageDefaultSkipFeatureDeployment: Indicates the default setting of the app package regarding feature deployment skipping.
IsClientSideSolutionCurrentVersionDeployed: Confirms if the currently deployed version of the client-side solution is up-to-date.
ExternalContentDomains: Lists any external content domains the app might interact with, important for understanding potential external dependencies.
IsClientSideSolutionDeployed: Indicates whether the client-side solution is actively deployed in the environment.
IsClientSideSolution: Confirms whether the app is a client-side solution, typically referring to SPFx solutions.
AppPackageErrorMessage: Contains any error messages related to the app package, useful for troubleshooting deployment issues.
IsValidAppPackage: Indicates if the app package is valid and free from errors.
SharePointAppCategory: Specifies the category assigned to the app within SharePoint, often used for organizing and searching for apps.
AppDescription: A description of the app, providing a summary of its functionality and purpose.
AppShortDescription: A shorter version of the app’s description, typically used in user interfaces where space is limited.
Audit and Remove Web API Permissions
Managing Web API permissions for SPFx solutions is essential for maintaining a secure SharePoint Online environment. The provided PowerShell script helps audit and remove unused API permissions, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. However, always ensure to review permissions before revoking them to avoid disrupting any active solutions.