Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “File”
Getting Storage Metrics for a SharePoint site
Gaining an overview of what takes up space in a SharePoint site is crucial for monitoring large files or a significant number of versions.
Unfortunately, the storage metrics link, <siteurl>/_layouts/15/storman.aspx, won’t work for libraries with more than 5,000 files without nested folders. While this might go against information architecture principles, creating folders is an option to avoid the list view threshold error.
Here’s a PowerShell script to help you get storage metrics for your SharePoint site:
Publishing Major Versions of Files in SharePoint with Power Automate
Publishing Major Versions of Files in SharePoint with Power Automate This post covers how to publish major versions for Office documents (Word, Excel, or PowerPoint) in SharePoint using Power Automate, especially after an approval task using the checkin and publish REST endpoints. This applies to libraries having minor versions enabled
Just for context, a Power Automate approval flow with trigger for a selected file needed publishing for the selected file as major version after being approved.