Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Library”
SharePoint - working round restore a library link missing
Introduction Have you ever encountered the frustrating situation where the Restore a library link in SharePoint is missing or inconsistently available? This can be a significant issue when you need to restore a library urgently.
The Problem Typically, you would expect to see the link ‘Restore This Library’ in the SharePoint interface: Restore library
However, in some cases, this link might be missing:
Restore Library Missing
The Workaround After some investigation, I discovered a workaround.
Getting Storage Metrics for a SharePoint site
Gaining an overview of what takes up space in a SharePoint site is crucial for monitoring large files or a significant number of versions.
Unfortunately, the storage metrics link, <siteurl>/_layouts/15/storman.aspx, won’t work for libraries with more than 5,000 files without nested folders. While this might go against information architecture principles, creating folders is an option to avoid the list view threshold error.
Here’s a PowerShell script to help you get storage metrics for your SharePoint site:
Counting Files and folders within SharePoint Libraries using PnP PowerShell
Counting Files and Folders within SharePoint Libraries using PnP PowerShell This post shows a PowerShell script using PnP PowerShell module to count the number of files and folders within a SharePoint library. It might be useful doing an inventory of file count.
$SiteURL = "Counting Files within a SharePoint Library using PnP PowerShell" # Generate a unique log file name using today's date $dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy") $invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value $directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.