SharePoint Storage Monitoring Against Allocated Quota using PowerShell
There is limited space allocated to the tenant. To ensure business continuity and smooth ongoing operation, it is imperative to keep an eye on its usage and take relevant actions suited to the circumstances. By default a SharePoint site is allocated 25 TB by default and OneDrive for Business site is allocated 1 TB by default. These settings can be amended manually to a different quota to control SharePoint site. The script will help to proactively monitor percent used against quota for each SharePoint site.
Space calculation
Total storage depends on number of licensed users 1 TB plus 10GB per license purchased
Data storage
The data using up space are made up of
- Files, Meetings within SharePoint - Teams sites
- Others service like Loop workspace and SharePoint Embedded are part of the storage but it has not been implemented
OneDrive storage is not reflected and each user is allocated 1 TB by default.
This script written with the help of PnP PowerShell module will return the total storage usage.
Script to return big sites within tenant
connect-pnpOnline -url -Interactive
$reportPath = "c:\temp\storage.csv"
Get-PnPTenantSite | Sort-Object StorageUsageCurrent -Descending | Select-Object Url, @{Name='StorageUsageCurrent (GB)'; Expression={$_.StorageUsageCurrent / 1024}}, @{Name='StorageQuota (GB)'; Expression={$_.StorageQuota / 1024}}, @{Name='% Used'; Expression={'{0:P2}' -f ($_.StorageUsageCurrent / $_.StorageQuota)}} | Select-Object -First 10| export-csv $reportPath -notypeinformation
# Omit `Select-Object -First 10` if all sites need to be monitored.
# omit the parameter -IncludeOneDriveSites to exclude OneDrive sites
Select-Object -First 10
if all sites need to be monitored.
add the parameter -IncludeOneDriveSites to consider OneDrive sites
PowerShell can help monitor storage within the tenant.
Consider the intelligent versioning