Oversight of Sharing Information in SharePoint sites using PowerShell with CSOM, REST and PnP PowerShell
Effective oversight of sharing links and sharing information are paramount to ensuring data security, compliance, and optimal collaboration experiences.
As organisations migrate to M365 environments, they inherit powerful collaboration tools that facilitate seamless sharing of documents and resources. However, without proper governance, these capabilities can lead to unintended consequences such as data breaches, compliance violations, and loss of intellectual property.
Sharing is a powerful feature for collaboration. However depending on how items, files or folders are shared, a sharing link might be created or unique permissions on these items are created.
For Copilot for M365 implementations, ensuring there is no oversharing is a critical aspect of safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining regulatory compliance.
An extract from Announcing SharePoint advanced management innovations for the AI and Copilot era
“With Copilot and AI, security has become a concern. Not because Copilot allows people to access anything more than they could previously; it just allows them to find information they have access to faster. A term used sometimes in SharePoint is “Security by obscurity”; hide stuff and hope people don’t find it. That doesn’t work as well anymore with Copilot. It surfaces data more broadly and quickly.”
Refer to Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 - best practices with SharePoint.
However, manually tracking down these links across multiple sites and libraries can be a daunting task. There are few options available, each with its own limitations.
Report on file and folder sharing in a SharePoint site allows to report on sharing per site only.
Data access governance reports for SharePoint sites provide a very high level view of the sharing links without details on which folder or item the sharing link was created. At the time of writing this blog post in April/May 2024, Data Access Governance reports show new sharing links in the past 28 days, which makes it very difficult to find content that was shared using an Everyone Except External Users or Anyone links more than a month ago.
Use sharing auditing in the audit log is restricted to the filter criteria used, which may not retrieve all sharing links.
The sharing link is created when “Copy Link” is clicked on, otherwise custom permissions are created.
Sharing links can be accessed from Manage Access
There have been changes to sharing as per MC706173, please refer for more infoM365 Changelog: (Updated) Invite people you choose in the Share control in Microsoft 365 apps though the full changes are not clear.
So reporting on sharing links might not be enough and look into drilling into unique permissions applied to each file, folder or item.
View post Query unique permissions for more details.
This post focuses on retrieving sharing links using different options: PnP PowerShell, REST and CSOM.
Get all sharing links using the PnP PowerShell
The cmdlets Get-PnPFileSharingLink
and Get-PnPFolderSharingLink
return all sharing links created at file/item and folder level respectively.
The cmdlets Get-PnPFileSharingLink and Get-PnPFolderSharingLink uses the Microsoft Graph permissions
endPoint under the hood.
#Parameters | |
$tenantUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter tenant collection URL"; | |
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-ss") | |
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value | |
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path | |
$fileName = "SharedLinks-" + $dateTime + ".csv" | |
$ReportOutput = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName | |
#Connect to PnP Online | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantUrl -Interactive | |
$global:Results = @(); | |
function getSharingLink($_object,$_type,$_siteUrl,$_listUrl) | |
{ | |
$relativeUrl = $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
$SharingLinks = if ($_type -eq "File" -or $_type -eq "Item") { | |
Get-PnPFileSharingLink -Identity $relativeUrl | |
} elseif ($_type -eq "Folder") { | |
Get-PnPFolderSharingLink -Folder $relativeUrl | |
} | |
ForEach($ShareLink in $SharingLinks) | |
{ | |
$result = New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ | |
SiteUrl = $_SiteURL | |
listUrl = $_listUrl | |
Name = $_type -eq 'Item' ? $_object.FieldValues["Title"] : $_object.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"] | |
RelativeURL = $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
ObjectType = $_Type | |
ShareId = $ShareLink.Id | |
RoleList = $ShareLink.Roles -join "|" | |
Users = $ShareLink.GrantedToIdentitiesV2.User.Email -join "|" | |
ShareLinkUrl = $ShareLink.Link.WebUrl | |
ShareLinkType = $ShareLink.Link.Type | |
ShareLinkScope = $ShareLink.Link.Scope | |
Expiration = $ShareLink.ExpirationDateTime | |
BlocksDownload = $ShareLink.Link.PreventsDowload | |
RequiresPassword = $ShareLink.HasPassword | |
}) | |
$global:Results +=$result; | |
} | |
} | |
#Exclude certain libraries | |
$ExcludedLists = @("Access Requests", "App Packages", "appdata", "appfiles", "Apps in Testing", "Cache Profiles", "Composed Looks", "Content and Structure Reports", "Content type publishing error log", "Converted Forms", | |
"Device Channels", "Form Templates", "fpdatasources", "Get started with Apps for Office and SharePoint", "List Template Gallery", "Long Running Operation Status", "Maintenance Log Library", "Images", "site collection images" | |
, "Master Docs", "Master Page Gallery", "MicroFeed", "NintexFormXml", "Quick Deploy Items", "Relationships List", "Reusable Content", "Reporting Metadata", "Reporting Templates", "Search Config List", "Site Assets", "Preservation Hold Library", | |
"Site Pages", "Solution Gallery", "Style Library", "Suggested Content Browser Locations", "Theme Gallery", "TaxonomyHiddenList", "User Information List", "Web Part Gallery", "wfpub", "wfsvc", "Workflow History", "Workflow Tasks", "Pages") | |
$m365Sites = Get-PnPTenantSite| Where-Object { ( $_.Url -like '*/sites/*') -and $_.Template -ne 'RedirectSite#0' } | |
$m365Sites | ForEach-Object { | |
$siteUrl = $_.Url; | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive | |
Write-Host "Processing site $siteUrl" -Foregroundcolor "Red"; | |
#getSharingLink $ctx $web "site" $siteUrl ""; | |
$ll = Get-PnPList -Includes BaseType, Hidden, Title,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,RootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Hidden -eq $False -and $_.Title -notin $ExcludedLists } #$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" | |
Write-Host "Number of lists $($ll.Count)"; | |
foreach($list in $ll) | |
{ | |
$listUrl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; | |
#Get all list items in batches | |
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -PageSize 2000 | |
ForEach($item in $ListItems) | |
{ | |
#Check if the Item has unique permissions | |
$HasUniquePermissions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $Item -Property "HasUniqueRoleAssignments" | |
If($HasUniquePermissions) | |
{ | |
#Get Shared Links | |
if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary") | |
{ | |
$type= $item.FileSystemObjectType; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$type= "Item"; | |
} | |
getSharingLink $item $type $siteUrl $listUrl; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$global:Results | Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation | |
#Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation | |
Write-host -f Green "Sharing Links Report Generated Successfully!" |
Advantages using PnP PowerShell cmdlets over CSOM function GetObjectSharingInformation
- Returns all sharing links including those of type
- Able to get sharing links from list items
Get sharing links with the CSOM method GetObjectSharingInformation
The script was adapted from How to get a list of shared links in a SharePoint Online document library? Any PowerShell or other way? using the CSOM method GetObjectSharingInformation
#Parameters | |
$tenantUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter tenant collection URL"; | |
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-ss") | |
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value | |
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path | |
$fileName = "SharedLinks-" + $dateTime + ".csv" | |
$ReportOutput = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName | |
#Connect to PnP Online | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantUrl -Interactive | |
$global:Results = @(); | |
function getSharingLink($_ctx,$_object,$_type,$_siteUrl,$_listUrl) | |
{ | |
$SharingInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ObjectSharingInformation]::GetObjectSharingInformation($_ctx, $_object, $false, $false, $false, $true, $true, $true, $true) | |
$ctx.Load($SharingInfo) | |
$ctx.ExecuteQuery() | |
ForEach($ShareLink in $SharingInfo.SharingLinks) | |
{ | |
If($ShareLink.Url) | |
{ | |
If($ShareLink.IsEditLink) | |
{ | |
$AccessType="Edit" | |
} | |
ElseIf($shareLink.IsReviewLink) | |
{ | |
$AccessType="Review" | |
} | |
Else | |
{ | |
$AccessType="ViewOnly" | |
} | |
#Collect the data | |
if($_type -eq "File") | |
{ | |
$ObjectType = $_object.FileSystemObjectType; | |
$Name = $_object.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"] | |
$RelativeURL = $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$ObjectType = $_type; | |
$Name = ""; | |
$RelativeURL = $listUrl ?? $SiteUrl; | |
} | |
$result = New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ | |
SiteUrl = $_siteURL | |
listUrl = $_listUrl | |
Name = $Name | |
RelativeURL = $RelativeURL | |
ObjectType = $ObjectType | |
ShareLink = $ShareLink.Url | |
ShareLinkAccess = $AccessType | |
HasExternalGuestInvitees = $ShareLink.HasExternalGuestInvitees | |
ShareLinkType = $ShareLink.LinkKind | |
AllowsAnonymousAccess = $ShareLink.AllowsAnonymousAccess | |
IsActive = $ShareLink.IsActive | |
Expiration = $ShareLink.Expiration | |
}) | |
$global:Results +=$result; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#Exclude certain libraries | |
$ExcludedLists = @("Form Templates", "Preservation Hold Library", "Site Assets", "Images", "Pages", "Settings", "Videos","Timesheet" | |
"Site Collection Documents", "Site Collection Images", "Style Library", "AppPages", "Apps for SharePoint", "Apps for Office") | |
$m365Sites = Get-PnPTenantSite| Where-Object { ( $_.Url -like '*/sites/*') -and $_.Template -ne 'RedirectSite#0' } | |
$m365Sites | ForEach-Object { | |
$siteUrl = $_.Url; | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive | |
$ctx = Get-PnPContext | |
$web= Get-PnPWeb | |
Write-Host "Processing site $siteUrl" -Foregroundcolor "Red"; | |
#getSharingLink $ctx $web "site" $siteUrl ""; | |
$ll = Get-PnPList -Includes BaseType, Hidden, Title,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,RootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Hidden -eq $False -and $_.Title -notin $ExcludedLists } #$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" | |
Write-Host "Number of lists $($ll.Count)"; | |
foreach($list in $ll) | |
{ | |
$listUrl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; | |
#Get all list items in batches | |
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -PageSize 2000 | |
# getSharingLink $ctx $list "list/library" $siteUrl $listUrl; | |
#Iterate through each list item | |
ForEach($item in $ListItems) | |
{ | |
$ItemCount = $ListItems.Count | |
#Check if the Item has unique permissions | |
$HasUniquePermissions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $Item -Property "HasUniqueRoleAssignments" | |
If($HasUniquePermissions) | |
{ | |
#Get Shared Links | |
if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary") | |
{ | |
$type= "File"; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$type= "Item"; | |
} | |
getSharingLink $ctx $item $type $siteUrl $listUrl; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$global:Results | Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation | |
Write-host -f Green "Sharing Links Report Generated Successfully!" |
Some explanation of the script
$tenantUrl: Input parameter to specify the URL of the SharePoint tenant collection. $dateTime: Current date and time in a specific format for generating unique file names. $directorypath: Path to the directory containing the script. $fileName: Name of the CSV file for storing the sharing links report.
Connection to SharePoint Online
The script connects to the SharePoint Online environment using the Connect-PnPOnline cmdlet, prompting the user to enter the tenant collection URL interactively.
Retrieval of Sharing Links
The getSharingLink function retrieves sharing links for a given object (site or list or item) using the ObjectSharingInformation class. It collects relevant information such as the URL of the shared link, access type, expiration date, and more.
Exclusion of Certain Libraries
The script excludes specified libraries (e.g., system libraries) from the sharing links audit using the $ExcludedLists array.
Iteration through Sites and Libraries
Using Get-PnPTenantSite, the script retrieves a list of SharePoint sites matching predefined criteria (e.g., Communication sites, Teams sites). It then iterates through each site and its document libraries to gather sharing link information.
Exporting the Report
Finally, the collected sharing link data is exported to a CSV file with a timestamped filename in the designated directory.
Issues with CSOM function GetObjectSharingInformation
- Inconsistency in getting List Item Sharing Links
Despite the presence of a sharing link for a specific list item, the CSOM function GetObjectSharingInformation fails to retrieve the link.
Evidence of Sharing Link for List Item:
Failure to get Sharing Link:
- Not all Sharing Links are returned. The list excludes those blocking download of files.
In an instance where a folder was associated with seven distinct sharing links, the GetObjectSharingInformation function was only able to fetch five of these links, , omitting those that prevent the downloading of files. This partial retrieval indicates a limitation in the function’s ability to comprehensively gather all sharing information.
- Evidence of 7 Sharing Link for folder:
- Failure to retrieve all sharing links:
Gets sharing links using REST Endpoint
The SharePoint REST endpoint GetSharingInformation
can be used to return sharing links, this script is based on Externally Sharing – GetSharingInformation REST API
#Parameters | |
$tenantUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter tenant collection URL"; | |
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-ss") | |
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value | |
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path | |
$fileName = "SharedLinks_REST-" + $dateTime + ".csv" | |
$ReportOutput = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName | |
# Ensure the logs folder exists | |
$logsFolder = Split-Path -Path $ReportOutput -Parent | |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $logsFolder)) { | |
New-Item -Path $logsFolder -ItemType Directory | |
} | |
# Ensure the file exists | |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ReportOutput)) { | |
New-Item -Path $ReportOutput -ItemType File | |
} | |
#Connect to PnP Online | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantUrl -Interactive | |
write-host $("Start time " + (Get-Date)) | |
$global:Results = @(); | |
function Get-ListItems_WithUniquePermissions{ | |
param( | |
[Parameter(Mandatory)] | |
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.List]$List | |
) | |
$selectFields = "ID,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,FileRef,FileLeafRef,FileSystemObjectType" | |
$Url = $siteUrl + '/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(''' + $($list.Title) + ''')/items?$select=' + $($selectFields) | |
$nextLink = $Url | |
$listItems = @() | |
$Stoploop =$true | |
while($nextLink){ | |
do{ | |
try { | |
$response = invoke-pnpsprestmethod -Url $nextLink -Method Get | |
$Stoploop =$true | |
} | |
catch { | |
write-host "An error occured: $_ : Retrying" -ForegroundColor Red | |
$Stoploop =$true | |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30 | |
} | |
} | |
While ($Stoploop -eq $false) | |
$listItems += $response.value | where-object{$_.HasUniqueRoleAssignments -eq $true} | |
if($response.'odata.nextlink'){ | |
$nextLink = $response.'odata.nextlink' | |
} else{ | |
$nextLink = $null | |
} | |
} | |
return $listItems | |
} | |
function getSharingLink($_object,$_type,$_siteUrl,$_list) | |
{ | |
$relativeUrl = $_object.FileRef | |
$sharingSettings = Invoke-PnPSPRestMethod -Method Post -Url "$($_siteUrl)/_api/web/Lists(@a1)/GetItemById(@a2)/GetSharingInformation?@a1='{$($_list.Id)}'&@a2='$($_object.Id)'&`$Expand=permissionsInformation,pickerSettings" -ContentType "application/json;odata=verbose" -Content "{}" | |
ForEach ($shareLink in $sharingSettings.permissionsInformation.links) | |
{ | |
Write-Host "Shared links found in '$relativeUrl'" | |
$linkDetails = $shareLink.linkDetails | |
if ($linkDetails.Url) { | |
$invitees = ( | |
$linkDetails.Invitations | | |
ForEach-Object { $_.Invitee.email } | |
) -join '|' | |
$LastModified = Get-Date -Date $linkDetails.LastModified | |
$linkAccess = "ViewOnly" | |
if ($linkDetails.IsEditLink) { | |
$linkAccess = "Edit" | |
} | |
elseif ($linkDetails.IsReviewLink) { | |
$linkAccess = "Review" | |
} | |
$sharedLinkObject = New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ | |
ItemID = $item.Id | |
ShareLink = $linkDetails.Url | |
Invitees = $invitees | |
Name = $_object.FileLeafRef ?? $_object.Title | |
Type = $_type -eq 1 ? "Folder" : "File" | |
RelativeURL = $_object.FileRef ?? "" | |
LinkAccess = $linkAccess | |
Created = Get-Date -Date $linkDetails.Created | |
CreatedBy = $linkDetails.CreatedBy.email | |
LastModifiedBy = $linkDetails.LastModifiedBy.email | |
LastModified = $LastModified | |
ShareLinkType = $linkDetails.LinkKind | |
Expiration = $linkDetails.Expiration | |
BlocksDownload = $linkDetails.BlocksDownload | |
RequiresPassword = $linkDetails.RequiresPassword | |
PasswordLastModified = $linkDetails.PasswordLastModified | |
PassLastModifiedBy = $linkDetails.PasswordLastModifiedBy.email | |
HasExternalGuestInvitees = $linkDetails.HasExternalGuestInvitees | |
HasAnonymousLink = $linkDetails.HasAnonymousLink | |
AllowsAnonymousAccess = $linkDetails.AllowsAnonymousAccess | |
ShareTokenString = $linkDetails.ShareTokenString | |
# Add other properties as needed | |
}) | |
$global:Results +=$sharedLinkObject; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#Exclude system lists | |
$ExcludedLists = @("Access Requests", "App Packages", "appdata", "appfiles", "Apps in Testing", "Cache Profiles", "Composed Looks", "Content and Structure Reports", "Content type publishing error log", "Converted Forms", | |
"Device Channels", "Form Templates", "fpdatasources", "Get started with Apps for Office and SharePoint", "List Template Gallery", "Long Running Operation Status", "Maintenance Log Library", "Images", "site collection images" | |
, "Master Docs", "Master Page Gallery", "MicroFeed", "NintexFormXml", "Quick Deploy Items", "Relationships List", "Reusable Content", "Reporting Metadata", "Reporting Templates", "Search Config List", "Site Assets", "Preservation Hold Library", | |
"Site Pages", "Solution Gallery", "Style Library", "Suggested Content Browser Locations", "Theme Gallery", "TaxonomyHiddenList", "User Information List", "Web Part Gallery", "wfpub", "wfsvc", "Workflow History", "Workflow Tasks", "Pages") | |
$m365Sites = Get-PnPTenantSite| Where-Object { $_.Url -like '*/sites/*' -and $_.Template -ne 'RedirectSite#0' } | |
$m365Sites | ForEach-Object { | |
$siteUrl = $_.Url; | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive | |
Write-Host "Processing site $siteUrl" -Foregroundcolor "Red"; | |
#getSharingLink $ctx $web "site" $siteUrl ""; | |
$ll = Get-PnPList -Includes BaseType, Hidden, Title,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,RootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Hidden -eq $False -and $_.Title -notin $ExcludedLists } #$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" | |
Write-Host "Number of lists $($ll.Count)"; | |
foreach($list in $ll) | |
{ | |
#Get all list items in batches | |
$ListItems = Get-ListItems_WithUniquePermissions -List $list | |
ForEach($item in $ListItems) | |
{ | |
$type= $item.FileSystemObjectType; | |
getSharingLink $item $type $siteUrl $list; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$global:Results | Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation | |
Write-host -f Green "Sharing Links Report Generated Successfully!" | |
write-host $("End time " + (Get-Date)) |
Difference from CSOM and PnP PowerShell/Microsoft Graph
Compared to the PnP PowerShell cmdlets, the REST endpoint returns only the links specific to the file excluding the sharing links inherited at the folder level.
Evidence of 1 link
Output of sharing links from REST endpoint
Output of sharing Links from PnP PowerShell cmdlet, aka Microsoft Graph
Advantages using REST over CSOM function GetObjectSharingInformation
- Returns all sharing links including those of type
- Able to get sharing links from list items
Both CSOM function GetObjectSharingInformation and REST endpoint GetSharingInformation
provide more detailed information for each link compared to PnP PowerShell or Microsoft Graph, including:
* Created
* CreatedBy
* LastModifiedBy
* LastModified
* PasswordLastModified
* PasswordLastModifiedBy
* HasExternalGuestInvitees
* HasAnonymousLink
* AllowsAnonymousAccess
Output of the REST EndPoint call
CSOM combined with PnP Get-PnPFileSharingLink and Get-PnPFolderSharingLink
#Parameters | |
$IsSite=$true | |
#$tenantUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter tenant collection URL"; | |
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy-hh-ss") | |
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value | |
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path | |
$fileName = "SharedLinks-" + $dateTime + ".csv" | |
$ReportOutput = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName | |
#Connect to PnP Online | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $tenantUrl -Interactive | |
$global:Results = @(); | |
function getSharingLink($_ctx,$_object,$_type,$_siteUrl,$_listUrl) | |
{ | |
if( $_type -eq "File" -or $_type -eq "Item"){ | |
$links = Get-PnPFileSharingLink -FileUrl $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] #more accurate info | |
$SharingInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ObjectSharingInformation]::GetObjectSharingInformation($_ctx, $_object, $false, $false, $false, $true, $true, $true, $true); | |
$_ctx.Load($SharingInfo) | |
$_ctx.ExecuteQuery() | |
# Assuming $links.Link is a collection of objects with WebUrl properties | |
$linkUrls = $links.Link | ForEach-Object { $_.WebUrl } # Extract WebUrls into a list | |
# Filter SharingLinks where Url is not in the extracted WebUrls | |
$link1s = $SharingInfo.SharingLinks | Where-Object { $linkUrls -notcontains $_.Url } | |
} | |
elseif( $_type -eq "Folder"){ | |
$links = Get-PnPFolderSharingLink -Folder $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
$SharingInfo = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ObjectSharingInformation]::GetObjectSharingInformation($_ctx, $_object, $false, $false, $false, $true, $true, $true, $true); | |
$_ctx.Load($SharingInfo) | |
$_ctx.ExecuteQuery() | |
# Assuming $links.Link is a collection of objects with WebUrl properties | |
$linkUrls = $links.Link | ForEach-Object { $_.WebUrl } # Extract WebUrls into a list | |
# Filter SharingLinks where Url is not in the extracted WebUrls | |
$link1s = $SharingInfo.SharingLinks | Where-Object { $linkUrls -notcontains $_.Url } | |
} | |
ForEach($ShareLink in $links) | |
{ | |
$result = New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ | |
SiteUrl = $_SiteURL | |
listUrl = $_listUrl | |
Name = $_type -eq 'Item' ? $_object.FieldValues["Title"] : $_object.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"] | |
RelativeURL = $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
ObjectType = $_Type | |
ShareId = $ShareLink.Id | |
RoleList = $ShareLink.Roles -join "|" | |
Users = $ShareLink.GrantedToIdentitiesV2.User.Email -join "|" | |
ShareLinkUrl = $ShareLink.Link.WebUrl | |
ShareLinkType = $ShareLink.Link.Type | |
ShareLinkScope = $ShareLink.Link.Scope | |
Expiration = $ShareLink.ExpirationDateTime | |
BlocksDownload = $ShareLink.Link.PreventsDowload | |
RequiresPassword = $ShareLink.HasPassword | |
CSOMLink = 'No' | |
}) | |
$global:Results +=$result; | |
} | |
foreach($l in $link1s){ | |
if($l.Url){ | |
If($ShareLink.IsEditLink) | |
{ | |
$AccessType="Edit" | |
} | |
ElseIf($shareLink.IsReviewLink) | |
{ | |
$AccessType="Review" | |
} | |
Else | |
{ | |
$AccessType="ViewOnly" | |
} | |
$result = New-Object PSObject -property $([ordered]@{ | |
SiteUrl = $_SiteURL | |
listUrl = $_listUrl | |
Name = $_type -eq 'Item' ? $_object.FieldValues["Title"] : $_object.FieldValues["FileLeafRef"] | |
RelativeURL = $_object.FieldValues["FileRef"] | |
ObjectType = $_type | |
ShareId = $l.ShareId | |
RoleList = $null | |
Users = $null | |
ShareLinkUrl = $l.Url | |
ShareLinkAccess = $AccessType | |
ShareLinkType = $l.LinkKind | |
Expiration = $l.Expiration | |
BlocksDownload = $l.BlocksDownload | |
RequiresPassword = $l.RequiresPassword | |
CSOMLink = 'Yes' | |
}) | |
$global:Results +=$result; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
#Exclude certain libraries | |
$ExcludedLists = @("Form Templates", "Preservation Hold Library", "Site Assets", "Images", "Pages", "Settings", "Videos","Timesheet" | |
"Site Collection Documents", "Site Collection Images", "Style Library", "AppPages", "Apps for SharePoint", "Apps for Office") | |
#$m365Sites = Get-PnPTenantSite| Where-Object { ( $_.Url -like '*sites/Contosoinc-intranet*') -and $_.Template -ne 'RedirectSite#0' } | |
#$m365Sites | ForEach-Object { | |
$siteUrl = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter site URL"; | |
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive | |
$ctx = Get-PnPContext | |
Write-Host "Processing site $siteUrl" -Foregroundcolor "Red"; | |
#getSharingLink $ctx $web "site" $siteUrl ""; | |
$ll = Get-PnPList -Includes BaseType, Hidden, Title,HasUniqueRoleAssignments,RootFolder | Where-Object {$_.Hidden -eq $False -and $_.Title -notin $ExcludedLists } #$_.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary" | |
Write-Host "Number of lists $($ll.Count)"; | |
foreach($list in $ll) | |
{ | |
$listUrl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl; | |
#Get all list items in batches | |
$ListItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $list -PageSize 2000 | |
# getSharingLink $ctx $list "list/library" $siteUrl $listUrl; | |
#Iterate through each list item | |
ForEach($item in $ListItems) | |
{ | |
#Check if the Item has unique permissions | |
$HasUniquePermissions = Get-PnPProperty -ClientObject $Item -Property "HasUniqueRoleAssignments" | |
If($HasUniquePermissions) | |
{ | |
#Get Shared Links | |
if($list.BaseType -eq "DocumentLibrary") | |
{ | |
$type= $item.FileSystemObjectType; | |
} | |
else | |
{ | |
$type= "Item"; | |
} | |
getSharingLink $ctx $item $type $siteUrl $listUrl; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
$global:Results | Export-CSV $ReportOutput -NoTypeInformation | |
Write-host -f Green "Sharing Links Report Generated Successfully!" |
However using Get-PnPFileSharingLink and Get-PnPFolderSharingLink return only sharing links and not all sharing instances without a link, hence combining the cmdlets with CSOM.
Example output
This PowerShell script can help with compliance or simply optimise security practices for effective SharePoint management. There are different ways to retrieve sharing information with each endpoint returning different information. Analyse the most convenient method retrieving those information.
Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 - best practices with SharePoint
Microsoft Purview data security and compliance protections for Microsoft Copilot
How to check links shared in SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business?
Data access governance reports for SharePoint sites
Use sharing auditing in the audit log
- SharePoint
- SharingLinks
- PowerShell
- Sites
- Security
- Microsoft 365 Copilot
- Governance
- PnP
- Microsoft Graph