Counting Files and folders within SharePoint Libraries using PnP PowerShell
Counting Files and Folders within SharePoint Libraries using PnP PowerShell
This post shows a PowerShell script using PnP PowerShell module to count the number of files and folders within a SharePoint library. It might be useful doing an inventory of file count.
$SiteURL = "Counting Files within a SharePoint Library using PnP PowerShell"
# Generate a unique log file name using today's date
$dateTime = (Get-Date).toString("dd-MM-yyyy")
$invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation).Value
$directorypath = Split-Path $invocation.MyCommand.Path
$fileName = "FileCountReport-" + $dateTime + ".csv"
$OutPutView = $directorypath + "\Logs\"+ $fileName
$NumberOfFiles = 0
#Connect to SharePoint Online
Connect-PnPOnline $SiteURL -Interactive
$SystemLists = @("Converted Forms", "Master Page Gallery", "Customized Reports", "Form Templates", "List Template Gallery", "Theme Gallery","Apps for SharePoint","Reporting Templates", "Solution Gallery", "Style Library", "Web Part Gallery","Site Assets", "wfpub", "Site Pages", "Images", "MicroFeed","Pages")
$FolderStats = @()
#Get the list
Get-PnPList -Includes RootFolder | Where {$_.Hidden -eq $false -and $SystemLists -notcontains $_.Title -and $_.BaseTemplate -eq 101 } | ForEach-Object {
#Get Folders from the Library - with progress bar
$List = $_
$global:counter = 0
$FolderItems = Get-PnPListItem -List $List -PageSize 500 -Fields FileLeafRef -ScriptBlock { Param($items) $global:counter += $items.Count; Write-Progress -PercentComplete `
($global:Counter / ($List.ItemCount) * 100) -Activity "Getting folders from List:" -Status "Processing Items $global:Counter to $($List.ItemCount)";} | Where {$_.FileSystemObjectType -eq "Folder"}
Write-Progress -Activity "Completed Retrieving Folders from List $ListName" -Completed
$NumberOfFiles = $List.ItemCount - $FolderItems.Count
$Data = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
ListName = $list.Title
ListUrl = $list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl
FilesCount = $NumberOfFiles
FolderCount = $FolderItems.Count
ListCount = $List.ItemCount
$FolderStats+= $Data
#Export the data to CSV
$FolderStats | Export-Csv -Path $OutPutView -NoTypeInformation
This script connects to a SharePoint site, filters out system libraries, and calculates the number of files and folders in each user library. The results are then neatly exported to a CSV file for easy analysis.