MVP Preparing for Renewal
Introduction Since January 2024, I have had the honor of being a Microsoft MVP. Now, it’s time to renew my MVP status, which requires gathering all my contributions to submit within the renewal application. I must admit, I haven’t been great at keeping track of my contributions every time I raise a Pull Request or write a blog post. But here’s what I’ve managed to pull together.
Pull Requests within Github I’ve successfully merged nearly 70 Pull Requests (PRs) in open-source PnP repositories, along with over 50 blog posts spanning areas like PowerShell, SharePoint, Azure DevOps, Power Automate, and M365 Copilot.
Issues with Default Sensitivity Labels in SharePoint Document Libraries
Introduction Default sensitivity labels can be set at the document library level in SharePoint to help manage and protect your data.
However, there are some limitations and issues that you should be aware of like the default sensitivity label does not automatically update existing files within SharePoint and there might be delay in applying the sensitivity label within M365 app. This is described in the documentation for Configuring a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library.
Inheritance of Sharing Settings in Channel Associated SharePoint Sites
Inheritance of Sharing Settings in Channel Associated SharePoint Sites Channel associated SharePoint sites inherit the external and default sharing settings of the parent team except when the parent team default sharing link is set to “People with Existing Access” only during creation.
The two sections highlight the testing I have done by first updating the parent team sharing setting before creating a private or shared channel which creates the corresponding site in the background.